
Saturday, March 23, 2013


Open your eyes...
Turn your heads from left to right.
What's happening to the world?
It wasn't this evil as it was before.

The world is suffering from a vicious ailment!
Even if you run, still there's nowhere to hide.
It's tempting! It's addictive!
It's pretentious! It's pleasure!


It is just one of the many problems of the world.
Yet, it's on its rapid move for great destruction
to the lives of the people!

Who is to be blamed?
Where are you pointing your fingers?
Isn't it right to point it to yourselves?
Come to realize that our heavenly father
has given us "free will" right from the start.

We can decide on everything, may it be
good things or not.
But isn't it right that we must take our
responsibilities as well?

Look at us now! We are cruel, ambitious and abusive.
We don't realize our God-given life.
We are living in the time of tremendous challenges!
We are living on the edge of things.
The decision is at our hands.

Is it perfectly sensible to use drugs just to impress,
get high and forget your problems?
If so, then everything you have is at stake!
Think about the people who love you and
the people you love- your families, your friends.
With just a single blink, you may just lose them
before your very eyes.

Don't think that drugs can lighten up your miseries
for in no time, you may lose yourself.
You'll never realize that you've given up everything
because you let drugs rule your life.

Keep in mind that it knows no mercy!
He'll take and take until you're left with nothing,
but tears of sorrow and regrets.
Slowly but surely, it will pull you towards your grave!

But NO!!! WAKE UP!!!
Everyone, courageously stand up!
Be strong! Be brave!

Don't let these deadly things happen to you.
Don't let drugs consume you.
It's never too late.

Let not the smoke from cigarettes blind your eyes.
Let not the influence of liqueurs doom your minds.
Everyone just got to say "NO!"

Yes, It's tempting! It's addictive!
 It's pretentious! It's pleasure!


(This piece was originally written by Faith Garnet C. Patagoc.
 If you wish to copy the whole piece or a part of it,
please ask permission. Thank you.)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Thinking it up, Writing it down

" You just can't stare on a blank page!
You have to write something on it! "

People are naturally emotional.
I bet most of you would agree. 
But there are people who are more 
expressive or showy than the rest.

Usually, us girls are the pretty cry babies 
and happy-go-lucky fellas.
When we get busted on something 
we frown, we snob, we cry!
When we bump on some good things
we smile, we blush, we laugh!

You see, whatever we feel,
we let it out without hesitations.
It's easy and it's a total relief.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

ALMOST A Love Story

You wore your favorite shirt
that day when you walked with me.
We enjoyed the thick green grasses
and sweet smell of the breeze.

You took me by the hand
but it was not only that,
for it was my heart you got the most.
I fell for you in a beautiful way
just like how the water from the fountain 
fell on its place.

We sat beside the beautiful scenery,
I crossed my feet and you started to talk.
Every word you said were full of sense,
right away, I understood what you meant.
I was surprised but it made me so happy 
to find that we felt the same way.

The question came up and you've said it well.
I admit, that very moment...
I wanted to give you my answer right away.
But, I  wanted to play hard to get
so I told you to wait.

The following day, you didn't ask me again
though I was ready for my yes.
The next day, still nothing happened.
Days went by so fast and I grew suspicious.

I didn't see you around anymore
I can't even catch a little glimpse of your shadow
The moments we had that day
seemed to be just part of my wishful dreams.

I didn't have the courage to ask you
and to make things clear.
I felt weak inside and thought 
I should have said yes, right there and then.

You were the first one to ask me
that question in person
 and I felt it was a great experience.

I saw your friends, I took a deep breath
and asked them how you are.
They told me what they knew,
all of it hurt me so.

I wish I never asked
I wish I never made my move
I wish I didn't go with you that day
I wish I never knew you.

You gave me so much confusion
but who should I blame?
In time, everything will be clear.
But for that moment I blamed myself.
I should have not trusted you.
I should have not listened to every word you said.
If I did the opposite, I should have not cried bitterly.

He was like my guiding star.
But he treated me so badly
that I decided to change my mind.
Painful as it was, that experience gave me a lesson.
You should never trust so much and never invest in love if you're not sure enough.
